89 results found for "en_GB"

European Heritage Days 2014
In the Netherlands the European Heritage Days are known as 'Open Monumentendag'. They are held every second weekend of September in which thousands of historical buildings and sites (about ...

Glass Music Hall will be demolished
The famous Glass Music Hall in the former Exchange of Berlage, designed by architect Pieter Zaanen and structural designer Mick Eekhout is going to be demolished by order of the current management of ...

Metal Construction Association Assembly about CE Markign at Octatube
Yesterday Octatube had the honour to welcome the members of the Dutch Metal Construction Association for an assembly about the upcoming mandatory CE Marking. With great interest amongst the Metal ...

Opening Geert Groote Huis
In Deventer the mayor and commissioner of the queen have celebratory opened the Geert Groote Huis. Geert Groote (1340-1384) was an important Dutch theologist and writer from Deventer. In the ...

New pictures of innovative glass zigzag facade
There are new interior photos available of the glass zigzag facades and glass balustrades that were realised by Octatube for the Educationel Centre of the Erasmus Medical Centre (Claus en Kaan ...

Completion of installation for renovated office building
For an office building in Amsterdam, Octatube has finished the installation of the structural glazed facades. The building is being completely renovated and made ready for the future. The scaffolding ...

New pictures Prestige Ticketing
New pictures are available of the glass volume that Octatube has realised for the Olympic Games in Londen in 2012. For the London Olympic Games a temporary structure has been realized on ...

Fletcher Hotel A2 Amsterdam
The new Fletcher Hotel in Amsterdam has opened its doors in January. The building has been designed by Benthem & Crouwel Architecten, and is a landmark near the A2 highway at the ...