346 results found for "octatube"

Fletcher A2 Hotel
...from the highway at both day and night. Octatube was involved in this project from an ... challenge of an integrated façade system, Octatube was able to include the engineering and ... projects (such as the Yitzhak Rabin Center) Octatube has gained experience with this ... 

Gridshell C30 in Bouwwereld and Bouwen met Staal
Octatube has covered one of the monumental courtyards of Shell C30-building in The Hague with an ... the most recent edition of Bouwwereld, Octatube colleague Iris Rombouts (project leader ... the reader along all the complex challenges that Octatube took on in realising this double-curved ... 

La Biennale Architettura
...in the Central Pavilion of the Biennale. Octatube has been invited to loan a mock-up in ... green, rain screen, tensile and precast. Octatube has built the ‘all-glass’ ... Eekhout, the founder and general director of Octatube. He has developed this and other types ... 

National Construction Day 2013
...in the Netherlands are opening its doors. Also Octatube is well represented with a number of ... MVRDV client: JP van Eesteren Octatube realises the largest cablenet facades in ... van Heeswijk client: Koninklijke Woudenberg Octatube realises a full glass elevator shaft ... 

The Bubble Eindhoven
While Octatube has completed the engineering of the Bubble in Eindhoven, the prefabricated glass ... skin of different triangular glass fillings. Octatube is responsible for the entire building ... production and installation of the dome, Octatube also realised the entrance facades and ... 

Diamonds are forever
...be done by Braaksma & Roos Architecten. Octatube has been contracted to build the ... the Welstandscommissie (Aesthetics Committee). Octatube has experience with these kind of a ... Jansma Architecten Start production The Octatube team has already finished the ... 

A visit by Queen Máxima
...Climate Affairs (EZK) and other members, came to Octatube to present the Annual Report the State ... of the company and the factory to explain how Octatube operates. Our design and build approach ... the Environment. It was a special day for Octatube. All employees were very honored to ... 

Visit from the British School in The Netherlands
...of the British School in The Netherlands visited Octatube.  Yesterday we received pupils ... and Marijn Swart gave a presentation about Octatube and explained about the Capital C ... 'GSGSG', one of the winners of the Octatube quiz! At the end, it was time for a